Friday, 27 April 2012


Tattoo Artist
A tattoo artist designs and applies images to people’s skin using indelible inks.
Tattoos have existed in human culture since time immemorial. Before the introduction of the written word, the ancient peoples of Europe painted themselves and their surroundings with ornate designs. Likewise aboriginal peoples all over the world continue to use a variety of natural materials to indelibly mark themselves. In doing so they delineate heritage, authority, achievements and a myriad of other concepts.
Modern day tattoos and indeed the word itself are inspired by the Polynesian word for inserting indelible ink onto the skin to make permanent markings, ‘tatu’. Eighteenth century sailors were the first to come into contact with this culture, popularized it and so became inextricably associated with the practice. Today, tattoos are at an apex of popularity, with many celebrities, artists and musicians sporting impressive designs. Once a subject of taboo, this alternative culture has become more mainstream and tattooing is increasingly regulated, creative and popular.

I will be visiting the local tattoo Artist in Bognor Regis to ask in various questions about his job e.g:
What qualifications did you need?
What’s the salary you are on?
How old were you when you first started?
What inspired you in tattooing?
What was the first tattoo you did?
I went to a local Tattoo Artist in Bognor Regis and interviewed him about his job asking lots of different questions.
What qualifications did you need?
A.   You don’t need any qualifications to be a tattooist just need to take a short course in sterilization and blood borne pathogens.
What’s the salary you are on?
A.   It varies how many customers they get in at the time and varies on the talent on the tattooist.  
   How old were you when you first started?
A.   I was 16 when i was first interested in tattoos and started as a apprentice.
What inspired you in tattooing?
A.   I did a Art and Design course and i enjoyed drawing.
What was the first tattoo you did?
A.   The first tattoo I did was on my cousin.

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